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Simply get in contact with us using the OFFER form (to the right on desktop, above on mobile) phone call if you prefer (612-656-9398), or email:  We'll be in touch within 24 hours to discuss your unique situation and what options we may be able to offer you. If we can help we'll move on to the next step, but if not we're happy to try to point you in another helpful direction. We seek a win-win scenario in every situation.

If we think we can help, we'll take a tour of the property (focus on not disturbing tenants), take some pictures, do some basic due diligence, crunch the numbers based on rent rolls and expenses, and give you an offer on the building.  if you're ready to move forward, we'll draft a Purchase and Sale document, which is sent to a local title company for closing.  We highly regard seller financing (can often pay more in that situation) such as contract for deed // Promissory Note.  Ask about it.
Next, if it is vacant we will place a lockbox on the property to allow contractors to estimate repairs and/or other investor partners for inspection.  If it is occupied, we will coordinate with you and tenants and do inspections, estimates etc. up front if it needs repairs.
Finally, we will close on the transaction, get you paid, and transfer ownership.  You will either receive a cashier's check at closing from the title company or you will have a payable note and an income stream for the life of the note (you become the bank and your equity can be your income // retirement plan).


Call us at 612-656-9398 or Complete the form below and we'll call you back as fast as we can, our goal is 1 business day or less.  We want to help!

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